Our Inclusion Programs offer a variety of community day services that are customized to suit the preferences of each individual we serve.
Community-Based Day Services is a program at UCP of Western MA known as “A Day Program Without Walls!” Our members love it because instead of going to the same Day Program every day, they get to create and design their own Community Program. Participants decide when to start their day, what days of the week to participate, and they choose each day’s activities, so it’s customized completely to the group’s preferences.
A typical day could include a coffee run to Dunkin, a fun morning of bowling, then lunch and back to UCP’s office to practice life skills like learning all 10 steps do doing the laundry. This tailored approach teaches a valuable lesson: group compromise, because the weekly game plan must satisfy everyone’s needs and desires.
To qualify for this service, participants must be 22 or older and have DDS funding or be part of the ABI/MFP Waiver Program.