What is AAC?
AAC stands are Augmentative and Alternative Communication. AAC is directly related to Assistive Technology as it can be utilized by lite-tech or high-tech options. At UCP, our mission for a life without limits means helping others gain a quality of life and the independence of communicating with the world around them.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems help individuals (children or adults) access the world around them. Augmentative means to add to someone’s speech. Alternative means to be used instead of speech. Some people use AAC throughout their life. Others may use AAC only for a short time, like when they have surgery and can’t talk.
Similarly to Assistive Technology, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to communication. There are ‘no-tech’, ‘lite-tech’ and ‘high-tech options’ for AAC.
No-tech and lite-tech options may include:
• gestures and facial expressions,
• writing,
• drawing,
• communication books
• picture exchange systems
• signing
High-tech options include things like:
• using a computer with a “voice,” sometimes called a speech-generating device.
• using an app on an iPad or tablet to communicate and
• Eye-gaze systems may be used for someone who has limited mobility or use of their fingers/limbs.
Our Assistive Technology Resource Center at UCP can help individuals of all ages determine what they may benefit from.

Join us on February Break!
Scheduled to fall over the public schools’ February break, join us for two days of language enriching activities hosted by a certified Speech-Language Pathologist and Occupational Therapist. Your child does not have to be currently using AAC or Assistive Technology to apply. This program is open to any child within preschool-5th grade.
Applications must be submitted by 02/07/25. Families will be notified if their child is accepted based on the number of applicants/needs. Payment must be submitted to UCP prior to beginning the program.
For more information, please contact Amber-Rose Arnold, MS CCC-SLP, ATS, at aarnold@ucpwma.org or 413-770-0229.