What is VR?

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated environment experienced through a headset placed over the eyes, immersing the user in that environment. At UCP of Western Massachusetts’s Assistive Technology Department, you can access hundreds of situations, lessons, and experiences through individualized training one-on-one with a coach providing guidance and supervision.  Using a VR headset called the Oculus plus two hand controllers, the user will be able to self-engage in their virtual environment by using hand movements to interact with their virtual world.

NOTE: Due to safety regulations regarding the use of the Oculus VR device, participants must be 13 years or older to participate in this program

Learn More!

One hour individualized session guided by an Assistive Technology Staff member trained in VR coaching will guide users through specially designed lessons to improve current skills, learn new skills, or gain knowledge in a fun, safe, and engaging way.

Lessons Included:

  • How to Cross the Street
  • Locate Fire Exits in Buildings
  • Navigating a Supermarket
  • How to Ride the Bus
  • Improve Communication Skills
  • Build Strong Hand-Eye Coordination
  • Time Management & Multitasking
  • Emotional Regulation Skills

Book your VR Training Session Today! 

Pricing per lesson: $20.00 per one-hour lesson

Punch cards are available!
Save $5.00 per session with advance purchase of a punch card, $75 for five lessons, $125 for 10 lessons, or $225 for 15 lessons.

VR session days are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4 pm. These sessions are one-on-one and require a sign up once you purchased sessions.

Receive emails with progress and new lessons picked just for you!

Contact Iris Long, ATRC Manager at 413-442-1562 ext. 113 or ilong@ucpwma.org for more information.